Monday, June 15, 2009

The Coons Aren't Sleeping Anymore!

The view from our front yard on Friday!  Yes, that is Larry and if you will notice Jane is sitting on his shoulders.  Jo and I are taking the photo.
After having excellent Pizza at Hilltop Stop Pizza in Stewartsville we came out to find Storm Chasers all over the parking lot watching this little bit of Tornadic weather.  
Come to find out the big activity had been Sunday night when 400+ Storm Chasers including The Weather Channel had been at the end of our lane.   It was a little intimidating for Ms. Pink as this was her first big storm.  Actually I think she was a little irritated with me, running around with my weather alert radio and in a bit of a panic.  Larry of course was upstairs sleeping with the girls.  It all blew by us however, it hit Lake Viking pretty hard.  My Sisters lake house had some pretty extensive damage to the roof and of course her flowers.  As long as its all cleaned up by the time we come for Father's Day on Sunday.  Sleep tight and Happy Quilting! 

Thursday, June 4, 2009

It's all Polka Spots to Me!

Okay, so my mom owns a Quilt Shoppe, my biggest sister is Tula Pink and a really huge fabric designer which is why I say "that as long as its all polka spots it matches, right?"  I mean how can a girl go wrong with rubber boots on a 90 degree day, especially when both boots are right feet and they look so cute?  My mommy is so crazy to say this didn't really match so good.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Only in Stewartsville

Seriously, I have only been in Stewartsville, Mo for 9 years but I couldn't believe my eyes or my Father in Law when I spotted this sleeping coon.  I know life is really slow here, all we talk about is the weather, but what to expect next...a lounging 12 point buck?